Welcome to MQM382 Team 4's Official Blog. Our team consists of: Ryan Schaumburg, Lauren Mowers, Melissa Beechy, Eva-Lena Juhlin, Kelly Moran, and Kyle Turner. The topic that will be discussed throughout this blog will be "The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly." This will consist of an in depth discussion of ethics, scandals, and corporate social responsibility and their effect on organizations as a whole. This will feature not only controversial leaders of specific organizations, but also role models of organizational leadership.
We will seek to answer the question: "What makes an ethical leader in today's society?" In order to answer this question, we will explore different ethical situations and it's public response. Today's competitive environment brings many different ethical dilemmas that leaders and employees alike have to deal with on a daily basis. By defining an ethical leader we hope to offer a better individual understanding of right from wrong in organizations. The more examples of ethical situations, good or bad, the better we can describe what makes an "ethical" leader.
Please feel free to give us your thoughts and opinions on any issues relating to this topic, as we will periodically post & discuss specific ethical situations! Objections & constructive criticism are welcome in a respectful manner. Hope you enjoy our insights.